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The Culver Palms Burrito Project
Come be a part of the Culver Palms Burrito Project, Tuesday, August 20th at 7pm. The Culver-Palms Burrito Project is an ongoing charity focused on homeless outreach. The CPBP makes vegetarian burritos from scratch and distributes them warm to the Westside homeless, along with bottled water, dog food for homeless pups, and other relevant items.
For more information, contact: Seshah Wolde-Tsadik at (310) 393-1498
The Blessing Box
Located on Del Mas Terrace, directly in front of our church entrance, is our neighborhood "Blessing Box". This is a community pantry open to anyone who is need of non-perishable food or, on occasion, clothing and toiletries.
The Blessing Box is also open to the community if you would like to drop off items for those in need. Feel free to place non-perishable food, toiletries and clothing directly in the box. For larger donations, please contact the church office to coordinate a drop-off. Call 310-202-7667 or email church@culverpalms.org.
Lastly, we also take up a collection for the supplies to put in the Blessing Box the first Sunday of every month. Feel free to attend service and donate that way!