At Culver Palms we do Missions in a unique “Culver” way. Each year we accept nominations from the congregation for Missions to support during the coming year. The nominators become the point of contact and representative for the Mission they support. The Mission Committee then chooses from among the nominations and presents them for the members at Culver Palms to examine. Then we take up a once yearly collection with the donations to be directed to the specific Missions that the members wish to support. Donations may also be directed to the general fund where the committee will divide the donations between the Missions.
Jesus said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” -Mark 16:15
Predisan's mission is to "proclaim Jesus and heal lives" as we help people realize their inherent worth and wholeness, as God intended.
As a Christian organization, Predisan's vision is to see people experience wholeness:
physical, spiritual, social, economic and environmental health according to God’s redemptive plan.
Providing basic needs, education and vocational training to vulnerable, under-served youth in Uganda with the desire they become self-sufficient and apt to escape the cycle of poverty they were born into, therefore, improving the lives of their families and communities.
Ben and Cheryl Lee
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Alex and Eleni Melirrytos
Florence for Youth in Action in Uganda
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New Hope Uganda in Uganda
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Predisan Health Ministries in Catacamas, Honduras
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